Thursday, October 8, 2009

Scrub-A-Dub, Hudson's In The Tub!

These pictures are actually from a couple of weeks ago. Hudson hasn't quite decided if he likes baths or not. Usually he's pretty good until we start washing his head. He has pooped a time or two in the tub and big brother Rylan is VERY quick to tell him that we don't go 'oh shoo' in the bath. You'll see in the last picture that Rylan is quite the helper at bath time...usually helping wash Hudson's toes, which he thinks is a BIG responsibility!


Kim said...

So cute! I still think Hudson looks so much like you!! Both boys, however, are precious! Love ya!

Val said...

So cute - isn't it so much fun having two - and having a "big" helper! They are so proud of themselves!

jaime mcnab said...

I thought I smelt something precious coming from Texas! Just get ready girl.... the "helping" gets "better". That is code for more work for you because your 2 year old wants to help in everything! Dakota took Presleys bottle out of the warmer yesterday and spilt 5 ounces on the couch while I was changing her diaper. Just trying to be such a good big sister!!! Wouldnt trade it for the world!