Friday, October 2, 2009

1 Month Old

Today Hudson is officially 1 month old! When I think back on this last month, sometimes I feel like it's flown by and other times (mostly in the middle of the night when we're up) I feel like it has taken forever to get here. Either way we are totally, completely, madly in love with this little boy! Here are a few things that we have experienced this month with Hudson...

* We dealt with his jaundice until he was about 2 weeks old. During that time all Hudson wanted to do was sleep which made it hard to wake him up to feed him. It eventually cleared up on it's own without any intervention though.

* Hudson can hold his head up on his own for about 5-10 seconds. Sometimes he looks like a bobble head doll, but other times he can hold it pretty steady.

* His eyes are still blue and his hair is much lighter than Rylan's.

* Hudson loves to be wrapped in thick, furry blankets. He doesn't really want to be swaddled, but just surrounded by a big blanket.

* He still isn't sleeping too good at night. We're hoping this gets better before we lose our sanity!

* We get different opinions on who he looks like. I think he DEFINITELY has his daddy's shape eyes! I also think he has his nose, but the mouth looks more like mine.

Momma, Daddy and Rylan love you so much Hudson!


Val said...

he is a cutie - makes me want another one until you mention the sleeping thing - I really think it is the main thing holding us back from having anymore. I don't think my old body can take those sleepless months!! It can barely take a sleepless night every once in a while!

Kim W. said...

Okay...I might be going against what everyone else thinks, and not that it even matters WHO he looks like, because he is just precious either way, BUT, I think he looks SO MUCH like you!! He is a doll! I am a firm believer in the 1st child looking more like the daddy, and the 2nd more like the mommy. Definitely the case in our family, and in several I know. Anyhow, like I said, doesn't amount to a hill of beans, BUT, he sure is cute!!! I Hope you get some good rest soon! Love ya!

Anonymous said...

Look at this little baby boy. This is the makings of a 'man' someday.

Wish I could be around to see you and Rylan when you are both men.

Bundles of love to both of you.

Grandma Torke