Thursday, September 11, 2008

Sneak Peak

Let me first say that I am a pretty big procrastinator when it comes to certain things. However, I've found that when it comes to Rylan I am a "planner" for sure. For example, last year I got his Halloween costume at the end of August. I also started planning his birthday party when he was only 8 months old! I know, I think I'm crazy. Well, now that Halloween is coming back around guess what? I already have his costume...I just got it in the mail today! I am so excited about his costume this year. A few weeks ago I was just looking at a calendar (not necessarily to see when Halloween was) and I noticed that Halloween was on a Friday night this year. Well, since Cody is a football coach that means we will be spending Halloween at a football game. That's when I got the idea...Cody's team mascot is the Lions...PERFECT, Rylan will be a lion this year! So, I spent some time looking for the cutest lion costume out there. I didn't want one of those wimpy looking lions...daddy wouldn't like that. So, I finally found the perfect lion costume and it arrived today. And, of course I couldn't resist trying it on him immediately. I'm sure I'll get lots of pictures on Halloween night, but here's a sneak peak of our little lion...ROAR!!!


Natalie said...

How cute!

Anonymous said...


Val said...

That is awesome brillant idea!! I already bought the girls theirs and tried it on them too - so you are not the only mother that buys early - I usually have Christmas shoping done by Thanksgiving too - we can start a club!! :)

Val said...

I forgot to tell you my sister dressed my nephew as a lion on his second halloween - and she dressed like a lion tamer who had been attacked - it was really funny. She carried a wip and everything - you should start looking now.