Tuesday, June 9, 2009

5 Years...And Still Going Strong!

June 5th was our 5th year anniversary! Five years have flown by, but so much has happened during that time. Cody and I have had some ups and downs during the past five years, but what amazes me is that each experience (good or bad) seems to only strengthen our marriage. Here's a little summary of our life over 5 years...

1. We bought our first home together. We are now quickly outgrowing this house, but I know it will be hard for me to eventually leave this house. This is where Rylan came home and Hudson will also. Who knew a house could mean so much?!

2. We went through a couple years of fertility treatment trying to become parents. After all the disappointing negative pregnancy tests, in vitro finally allowed us to become Rylan's mommy and daddy. What a rollercoaster ride!

3. Cody has been at 3 schools and now completed his first year as a head coach. From my best estimate I have now attended approximately 150-175 baseball games and about 45-50 football games in our five years of marriage.

4. We experienced the deaths of 2 grandfathers. My Poppy passed away in February of 2007 and Cody's Papa just passed away last month. We would have loved to have more time with them, but we also know we will one day join both of them in paradise.

5. We've experienced an "unplanned" yet extremely exciting 2nd pregnancy. After all this time of thinking and being told by doctors that we had little chance of getting pregnant on our own, I was shocked on January 2nd of this year to see a POSITIVE pregnancy test! In just 12 short weeks we will become a family of four!

6. More than anything, in 5 years I have learned a lot about marriage. Every day of marriage isn't exciting, but it's still what I want more than anything in the world. I love waking up and going to bed each day with the man that I vowed to spend the rest of my life with. It's so comforting to honestly say that we are stronger now than we were 5 years ago on our wedding day. It's even kind of fun to know that a "date" is now Taco Bell burritos on the couch while Rylan takes a nap. We definitely don't make a lot of money, but what we do have is worth more than any amount of money could ever buy!

I love you Cody! Five years is only the beginning, and I can't wait for the MANY more to come!


Keri said...

Happy anniversary! I love what you shared. Marriage is wonderful, isn't it.

Val said...

Happy Anniversary!! What a great post!

Natalie said...

Happy Anniversary!

Kim said...

Aren't you sweet. :) I love it! I knew all the 5 fun little facts, but still loved reading them. Love you and miss you. So can't believe little Hudson will be here in just 12 more weeks! WOW! So excited for yall!