Wednesday, June 17, 2009

A House Of Boys!

This week Cody ran his baseball camp for 3rd graders through 9th graders. Josiah and Truitt (Cody's cousins) came to stay with us for a few nights while they attended the clinic. Truitt is going into 7th grade and Josiah will be a freshman. Rylan LOVED having the boys here! It was fun for us to have them here because they are about the same age apart as what Rylan and Hudson will be. We got a glimpse into the future...and apparently it involves a lot of wrestling in the living room! :-) The boys were so good and we hope they enjoyed their time here. If they come again next year for the clinic we'll have another boy to add to the mix. I did learn some things about teenage boys this week that may be beneficial for me in the future.

1. Apparently teenage boys don't know that they need to take a shower after sweating in 100 degree weather for 3 hours.

2. Even though a Little Tykes basketball hoop says it is for ages 2-5, it can easily entertain two teenage boys for hours.

Cody, Rylan, Josiah and Ripken playing in the little pool. Rylan just jumps right in no matter how cold the water is. Apparently Cody and Josiah thought the water was freezing. However, that didn't stop Rylan from trying to splash both of them. I love the look on Josiah's face!

Josiah was actually sitting in the kiddie pool relaxing even after Rylan got out...until Rylan proudly proclaimed that he pee peed in the pool. I have never seen someone jump out of a pool that fast!

Some more splashing!

After swimming Rylan decided to crawl up on the couch and watch Truitt play a baseball game on the Wii.

Bold I swear we offered Truitt other sleeping arrangements, but somehow he managed to curl up and sleep on Rylan's Spider Man couch.


Kim W. said...

Ha! That cracks me up seeing Truitt on the Spiderman couch! That's too funny! And I hear ya...we got the boys out of the pool the other day to get ready for VBS and said, "Jake, let's go tee-tee real quick before we get dressed so we can leave!" and he said "I don't need to, mom. I went tee-tee in the pool." Lovely. Probably wasn't the first time that happened...I am sure...and I bet it's not even close to the last! Miss yall! You gotta come by and see us this weekend! We are here!!

Val said...

so fun - I don't know if I want to see what our girls will be like as 7th and 9th graders. I'm so very scared!!

Traci Rogers said...

Thank ya'll so much for having the boys! They had a great time! And yes Truett will get anywhere to sleep! That is too funny! You are so right on the shower thing! LOL! Thanks again for giving them the chance to attend the camp! Love ya'll! Traci:~)