Sunday, August 10, 2008

We Love The Aquarium!

We decided to spend the day at the Dallas World Aquarium since daddy didn't have to go into work today. This was Rylan's first trip to the aquarium and I think he really enjoyed it! It was pretty crowded so he didn't get to walk much, but he did get to see a lot of "fishies" which was all it took to make him happy.

Rylan and daddy having some fun together

Rylan really liked looking at the tank of stingrays and ducks. He did his best to "quack" when the ducks came by.

Loving the baby leash!!

Rylan and daddy checking out the waterfall.

This was probably Rylan's favorite part of the day. He stayed there watching the big cat for a good 10 minutes.

These dancers were putting on a show about the Mayan Indians. Rylan had a death grip on Cody's shirt for this picture. I don't think he was too sure of the Indians.

Rylan and momma

Momma wasn't too excited about being that close to sharks, but Rylan sure loved watching them.

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