Thursday, August 14, 2008

Baby Steps

You all know that I have been shall we say, OBSESSED with what I let Rylan eat. However, I am perfectly fine being "that" mom if I instill healthy eating habits in my child. I see way too many overweight kids at my job and I have made up my mind that there is no sense introducing bad foods to Rylan at such an early age. He will have his entire life to eat cookies and candy and drink cokes. But for now he has no idea what a cookie is and I intend to keep it that way for a while longer.

Rylan was a great "baby food" eater. He LOVED every single jar of baby food they make...yes even the nasty meats. However, he has not transitioned to table foods very well. I'm not sure if it is a texture thing or if he's just being stubborn...probably a little of both. He will eat bread, cheese, raisins, and fruit from the table. Other than that...nothing!! I have even given in a little and tried all the usual kid foods like hotdogs, mac n cheese, pastas, etc. with no luck. He won't even try them. He is just happy having his jarred meats and pureed veggies. I realize he's only 16 months old and he won't go to Kindergarten still eating jarred baby food (knock on wood) but I am really ready for him to start on more table foods. Needless, to say I have sought out advice from several sources (friends, relatives, our pediatrician) and I think we are finally on the right path. This week Rylan has started eating baby carrots, peanut butter on his bread and more fruits. To most of you, this probably seems like incredibly boring news, but for me this is HUGE! The best came tonight when he actually ate an entire turkey and cheese sandwich on whole grain bread. Plus, he ate a whole bowl of fruit! I know it will take some time, but hopefully he will be on all HEALTHY table food within a month or two. For now we're happy with baby steps.

That's right folks, that's a sandwich in his hand and he ate the whole thing!!

He also ate every bit of his fruit bowl...good job Rylan!

In other news, I go back to work Monday so Rylan will start at his new private school. I am DREADING dropping him off that day. I almost start crying just thinking about it. Does it EVER get any easier to leave your baby??

1 comment:

Keri said...

This is Randy's wife. I've enjoyed looking over your blog. Your son is adorable, oh my! That's great that he at the sandwich and fruit for you! My oldest also had a hard time transitioning to table food, but she finally came around.