Sunday, May 18, 2008

Volleyball Anyone?

Saturday Cody and I joined some friends to play in a grass volleyball tournament. Most teams were made up of girls who play volleyball for the high school and their high school friends. I think it is safe to say that we were the "oldest" team in the tournament. It was a double elimination tournament so we figured we'd play 2-3 games and be out. However, we just kept winning our games and we ended up winning the whole tournament! We literally played volleyball games nonstop from noon to 6:00 Saturday and we were all so tired and so sunburned by the end of the day. We had such a good time though! Thanks Stacey and Madison for inviting us to play!

Left to right: Mike (Stacey's husband), Madison (Stacey's daughter), Heather (Madison's friend), Stacey (secretary at my school), Liz (receptionist at my school), Me, and Cody

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