Friday, May 30, 2008

The Texas Roadhouse Curse!!!

Let me first give you some background before I tell you about tonight. About a month ago Cody and I went to Texas Roadhouse for dinner. We of course took Rylan with us. We all had a nice dinner, but when it was time to go I got that surprise every mother fears...the COMPLETE blowout diaper! By the time I realized what had happened I had already pick him up and put my arm under his bottom. So...I am standing in the middle of the restaurant, poop covering my arm, poop covering the back or Rylan's legs, and poop everywhere in his chair. To top if off the wonderful aroma of Rylan's surprise was beginning to spread. I grabbed the diaper bag and headed to the bathroom as fast as I could. Then another fear became true once I got to the changing table! Come on people!! Why would you not put a changing table in a women's restroom at a restaurant?!! Would you rather us change our kid's diapers in the booths next to your other paying customers?! Anyway, I did the only thing I could think of...I put him on the floor of a public restroom and kept telling myself he would get an extra long bath that night. After I was done in the restroom I had to carry my baby out in only a diaper. I felt like I needed a sign that said, "No I am not white trash!" So, that was our last visit to Texas Roadhouse.

Well, tonight we decided to give it another chance. We thought surely that couldn't happen twice at the same restaurant. That must have given God a good laugh tonight! We were finally done with dinner and we had paid our ticket. I'll give you one guess as to what surprise I got when I picked Rylan up to leave. You got it...poop, poop, and more poop! You'd think I would have learned my lesson and brought an extra set of clothes along with a pad to put down in the bathroom floor. But...I didn't. Oh it gets better though! This time not only do I forget a change of clothes and a changing pad, but I also forgot the wipes! So tonight I made my trip to the bathroom wondering what does a good mother do in this situation. Well, I realize I'm not getting the award for the most organized mom in the world today, but I again went into the big stall and placed him on the bathroom floor. I took his clothes and diaper off and began wiping him off with the high quality toilet paper that you always find in public restrooms. While I am doing this a little boy is standing outside the stall and squatting down looking under the door to see what I am doing. He was very excited to tell his mom that "the baby made a big poop!" Could I possibly be anymore embarrassed? I got done as quickly as I could and I bolted out of the bathroom and back to our table to get Cody. And, once again I carried my baby out of the restaurant in nothing more than a diaper. It's official...we will forever be known now as the white trash family from Texas Roadhouse.

So here is a picture of Rylan in his car seat on the way home....


Kim W. said...

That is absolutely hilarious! Thanks for a good laugh. I will say...2 boys and I haven't had a blowout like that IN PUBLIC yet, so let me just knock on wood!

Anyhow, sure do miss yall! I need to call you so we can catch up.

Anonymous said...

And all this time I thought Rylan was perfect. I sat here by myself laughing out loud with my mascara running down my face (felt like Tammy what's her name)until I made so much noise my Charlie Cat came in, stopped in his tracks and didn't know who in the world I was. I'm still laughing!! And when my friend, Maggie arrives home tomorrow from Hawaii, I will tell her about this, she will get on your blog and she and I will have another good laugh. This is hysterical and I must tell you this happened to me only once with Jack but we were in a client's home trying to make a good impression and I was so embarrassed. Come to think of it, maybe that is why Jack is DIFFERENT. I guess Rylan is not perfect unless you want to say he is a perfect mess.

Natalie said...

Oh it happens to the best of us! We'll be sure not to ask you all out to TRH anytime soon!