Saturday, July 11, 2009

Rylan's First Rodeo

Last night we took Rylan to the Mesquite Rodeo and he had a blast! He got all dressed up in his cowboy clothes and he was definitely a hit with the girls at the rodeo! While at the rodeo he got to go on his very first pony ride, give some of the bullriders "knucks" and even pet the pick up man's horse during the show. As most of you know I also don't allow Rylan to have much candy, but I even agreed to let him have his very first cotton candy. However, he just picked off a piece, said "yuck, fuzz!" and gave it back. So, he was content with his bottle of water and a few peanuts during the rodeo. I'm sure we'll be going back again since our little cowboy had such a great time!

Dressed and ready to go.

We even went out for dinner before the rodeo. Rylan eating his grilled cheese and sneaking some of daddy's fries.

His first pony ride...lots of fun!.

Getting his program autographed by some of the bullriders and then giving them "knucks" for good luck.

All set up in his front row box seat!

Watching the rodeo.

This rodeo stuff is serious business as you can see by the look on his face.

Checking out the program while he watches.

1 comment:

Kim said...

What a cutie!!! I love it! He is adorable! I hope yall are doing well. And Ashley, I hope you are hanging in there! I am trying to, but I am already tired of being pregnant again! Thank goodness this is my last one! :) I am
E X H A U S T E D . :) Love yall!