Thursday, April 9, 2009


IT'S A BOY!!! Yes, you heard me right...our little girl has blossomed into a little boy. Today I went in for my 18 week appointment and sonogram. When the tech asked me if we wanted to know the sex I proceeded to tell her that we had already been told at our UltraScreen that we were definitely having a little girl. I asked her to go ahead and confirm that though. As we're talking she explained that the doctor that told me it was a girl is NEVER wrong. That's when it happened!!! Two legs...wide open...and there is definitely something in between!!! HE wasn't shy and HE wanted us to know that HE did not appreciate all the pink things we had bought him so far. I was in such shock that I forgot to pee in the cup for my urine sample! I apologized to the nurse and we both got a good laugh out of it. my Type A personality is kicking in. I have a closet (you think I'm kidding, but I'm not) full of pink and purple prissy clothes to return to NUMEROUS stores. I have a very feminine car seat, stroller and swing to return to Babies R Us. And...I have lady bug nursery bedding and decor to return to an online store. I'm going to be busy after we get back from the Easter holiday!!

I do have to admit that I cried when I got in the car and called Cody. It's not that I am disappointed, but simply that I am in shock! For 5-6 weeks now we have been preparing for a little girl...we even had the name picked out. Now, it's such a shock to switch gears and now prepare for a little boy. Even during my breakdown I kept reminding myself and praising God for 4 things...the baby is completely healthy, I got pregnant on my own, I have a precious little boy already who will be a GREAT big brother, and I have the best husband any woman could possibly ask for! So, bring on another boy!!!


Keri said...

Wow, what a surprise! At least you found out now & not in 4 months!! And I agree, there's so much for you (& all of us) to be thankful for, even when life gets switched up a bit.

Kim W. said...

WOW!!! I think 2 little boys are great though! I love watching Jake and Jack play together. Maybe #3 will be a girl for us both, right!? :) Ha! Hope yall are great and the shock wears off soon! Love ya! And can't wait to hear the name for the little GUY!!!

Greg & Jen Jones said...

So exciting!!! Don't you just love how life throws you those little surprises? Good luck with the new name game!

jaime mcnab said...

Wow, that is a shock! If it will make you feel any better, I cried when I found out Dakota was a girl, and I sobbed for one day when I found out this one was a girl. I did the same thing you did, got on my knees and prayed for God to forgive me for being so selfish. He knows the desires of our hearts and He knows what the future holds. I kept reminding him that I was so thankful that she was healthy and such, but we get in our own way sometimes. Congrats on the healthy baby BOY... Ill take any of that pink stuff you cant return! :-) Yeah for more babies.....

Natalie said...

I know that was a huge shocker, but y'all are handling it so well! We're so excited to meet baby boy and I can't wait to hear the name too! Oh and I've got all Rylan's clothes washed and ready for baby boy!