Thursday, October 2, 2008

Every Man Needs A Throne

Lately Rylan has started HATING his dirty diapers. The wet ones don't bother him so much, but the minute he poops, he wants out of the diaper. My plan is to really start working on Rylan's potty training during our long Christmas break. I realize since I work, it will most likely be this summer before he is completely potty trained. However, Rylan has really been showing an interest in sitting on the potty. So, before his bath tonight I pulled out his potty seat that Uncle Randy and Aunt Jen got for him and you would have thought I just gave him the world's greatest toy! He LOVED sitting on the potty. Plus, he even tinkled a little bit! I cheered for him and even did a "good potty dance" which he thought was hilarious! He sat on the potty for a good 10-15 minutes and he started crying when I made him get off. Anyway, I guess for now I will start putting Rylan on his little seat each night before his bath and we'll keep our fingers crossed that his potty training will go smoothly.


Natalie said...

Way to go Rylan!

Val said...

That is cute - I love the monkey shower curtain too!!