Monday, August 13, 2007

Shots & Cereal

The bandaids make it all better

Man this is good stuff mom

I'm getting the hang of this spoon thing

And I'm still smiling even after shots

Today Rylan went to the babysitter for the first time. I dropped him off at 8:00 and went back to get him at 12:30. Rylan was fine, but it was a long 4 1/2 hours for mom! He also went to the doctor today for his 4 month vaccinations and check-up. He weighs 15 pounds 9 ounces which puts him in the 50th-75th percentile. He is 26 1/8" long which is still above the 95th percentile. So...he is still long, but he's thinning out a lot. Also, since he is a "bigger baby" we got the OK to start him on solids. He had cereal tonight and as you can see by the pictures he loved it.


Natalie said...

what a big boy! I'm glad you survived the first day!

Anonymous said...

You make my day, Rylan. First thing I do at the office is to click on your mom's blog. When I see your photo, I just sit here and smile.

What a cute little man!

Grandma T