Sunday, August 19, 2007

Mmmmmm Carrots!!

Rylan after his first bite of carrots

After a few bites he decided it was actually pretty good

The belly is full and all is good in the world

Today was a big day for us...Rylan's first veggie!! As you can tell by the top picture he didn't quite know what to think with the first bite, but after 3-4 bites I couldn't shovel it in his mouth fast enough. Our first veggie was a success which make mommy VERY happy. I want Rylan to have a healthy diet and get started on the right foods before we ever introduce him to the wonderful world of refined sugar. Our next food introduction will be in 3 days and I haven't decided yet what it will be, but hopefully it goes as well as the carrots did!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You just make my day, sweet baby!! What a cutie and you have the nicest little round head. Lots of brain power in there for the future.

Grandma T