Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Say A Little Prayer For Me

Today is a difficult day for me, with so many emotions. I go back to work tomorrow. I have been home with Hudson for 10 weeks now, but it seems like it went by so fast! Please pray that tomorrow morning goes smoothly as I drop both kids off and head to work. I'm sure 3:30 won't come fast enough for me.

I love you buddy and I'm sure I'll be thinking about you every minute of the day tomorrow.


The Longley's said...

So sad for you!! :( And then the Billy Dean song started playing - what are you trying to do, make us all cry?!? :( I'll be thinking about you tomorrow and praying that you stay busy enough that you don't think about missing your babies. Just make it until Thanksgiving break!

jaime mcnab said...

You are going to do great and get back into your groove quicker than you think. Knowing that he is with Rylan will make it easier also! If Presley gets sad at church daycare they take her to Dakota and they say she cheers right up!!! Sibling love... nothing more precious! Praying for you girl!