Wednesday, November 4, 2009

2 Months Old

2 Month Stats

Weight: 11 pounds 13 ounces (50%)

Length: 22 1/8" (10%-25%)

Yesterday I took Hudson in for his 2 month well visit. He started all his vaccines and got his routine check by Dr. Lanman. Overall, he is a perfectly healthy little boy...other than his reflux issues. Dr. Lanman has increased his dosage of Prevacid which should help. We'll keep our fingers crossed!

He was pretty drowsy and "blah" yesterday afternoon after getting his shots. The real shocker is that he ate at 6:45pm, went to sleep at 8:00pm and did not wake up again until 5:00am!! He went more than 10 hours in between feedings! I wish I could say that I got some good sleep since he slept so well, but I didn't. I kept worrying about him and getting up to check on him. Oh well...

I pulled out Rylan's baby book to look at his 2 month stats and I was shocked when I saw them! At 2 months Rylan was 25" (almost 3" longer) and 14 pounds 9 ounces (almost 3 pounds heavier)!! My boys are night and day of each other!

Things Hudson Is Doing At 2 Months

* He is a smile machine! All you have to do is look at him and he will smile at you. His little toothless grin is precious.

* He still doesn't sleep great at night. He usually doesn't fall asleep for good until about midnight and then he is wide awake about 5:00am. He has yet to sleep flat on his back in the crib/pack n play. Due to his reflux he has to sleep inclined in the swing. We're hoping this all changes in the months ahead!

* He has noticed his hands and LOVES to hold them up to look at them.

* He can stay in a bath tub for 30+ minutes and be as happy as can be. He loves to kick around in the water. In fact, if he is ever too fussy during the day I go put him in the tub to calm him's worked every time!

* He coos quite a bit and even lets out a scream every once in a the look on his face he surprises himself with the screams.

* His eyes are still a dark blue and his hair is a dark blonde.

* He loves to be read to. He especially likes the bright pictures in the book Chicka Chicka Boom Boom. He can be content looking at the pages in that book for a long time.

Hudson, you have brought so much joy to our little family. Your smile somehow makes all the sleepless nights okay. Although momma doesn't particularly enjoy being woke up at 3:00am to play on the floor, I do know that these are the memories that I will look back on years from now. I can't help but look at you and wonder how God made something so completely perfect. I know in the blink of an eye your tiny little hands will become bigger than my own, so I try to treasure each time you wrap all your fingers around one of mine. Your little sneezes and yawns melt my heart and I wish sometimes that I could just freeze this moment in time. But, I know that I can't, so as time goes on I will watch with pride as you learn your first words, take your first steps, and grow into man with a heart yearning to be like Christ. I love you sweetheart!


Kim said...

I always love reading your little notes to our about your boys. You have a way with words that I love. I find myself reading them all, and thinking the EXACT same thing about our boys as you say about yours. Just wish I had such a good way with words as you do! Keep it up, you are doing a wonderful job at being a mommy! Your boys are SO lucky to have you!

Kim said...

Oh yeah...and Hudson still looks JUST like YOU!!!

jaime mcnab said...

Happy Birthday 2 month birthday sweet little Hudson....

Val said...

He is too cute - love that smile! I can't wait to hear all the baseball ideas. One of my friends husband just got named head baseball coach at Flower Mound and she is wanting ideas too. She also has two boys - her blog is on mine under Amrine Jrs - can't wait to see what you pass our way - thanks so much!!