Saturday, February 2, 2008

What Rylan Has Taught Me

I have just put Rylan down for his nap and I started thinking about how much I have learned since I became a mom almost 10 months ago. Here are just a few...

1. I've learned that it is only by the grace of God that I get through a day without baby food, formula, or poop on my own clothes.

2. I've learned that it is okay to leave a sink full of dishes sit there while I play Peek-A-Boo on the living room floor with Rylan.

3. I've learned that my baby will survive eating part of a Milkbone dog biscuit.

4. I've learned that if Rylan can eat the baby food meats with a smile on his face, then I shouldn't gag at the smell of them.

5. I've learned that no matter how hard you try to "baby proof" your's not really possible.

6. I've learned that I love being the mother to a little boy!

7. I've learned that I fall more in love with Rylan's daddy each time I watch my two boys play together.

8. I've learned that a diaper bag can hold more "stuff" than you think.

9. I've learned that my heart melts when Rylan snuggles into me and lays his head on my shoulder.

10. I've learned that I love my little family more than words could ever explain!

I can't believe Rylan is just about to turn one! It seems like the struggle we went through to get him took forever and now that he is here time is flying by. I am so thankful for all the joy in my life!

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good. Psalm 136:1


Kim W. said...

Amen on the 10 things you've learned! I couldn't agree more. How wonderful it is to be a mommy to little boys. Precious. Hope you are doing well. Miss yall.

Natalie said...

Great list! You are a wonderful mommy!