Saturday, February 9, 2008

It's 1-2-3 Strikes You're Out At The Old Ballgame!!!

We have had a busy week. Last weekend Rylan started running fever and he developed a petechial rash all over his body. We took him to the doctor Monday and it was confirmed that he had Strep. As a precaution we also had to take him to Baylor Garland to have some blood work done. Once we started him on his antibiotic, his rash started to fade and the fever went away. Now we're just praying for him to stay well for a while.

Today Rylan and I went to Mesquite to watch daddy and the baseball boys play their game. It was such a nice day and I think Rylan loved being outside. He kept yelling for "Dada" from the stands and he was a very happy boy when the game was over and he got to go to daddy. Thankfully all the player's parents are so good to us and they love to take him off my hands when I need a break. However, he really was such a good boy today.

Taking a quick nap before the game

What a precious face

Rylan with Chloe (her brother plays on Cody's team)
Rylan with his HERO
Daddy's Assistant Coach

"Alright boys, let's play ball!"


Natalie said...

I've got to know where you got his shirt! I love it!

Kim W. said...

Super cute pictures! Love the shirt!