Saturday, February 20, 2010

Valentine's 2010

Since school got cancelled on Friday the 12th due to the snow, the boys had their school Valentine parties on Tuesday the 16th. This year Rylan picked out Cars Valentine cards which was really no big surprise since he is obsessed with Lightening McQueen and Mater. He had lots of chocolate in his bag when I picked him up, and he HATES chocolate. He told me he just got "dirty" candy. So, luckily I had some Skittles in the pantry to give him. Then, I ate his chocolate! Ha! Hudson's class didn't really have much of a party obviously since they are all babies, but I did make cookies for his teachers for the day.

I ordered Hudson's outfit from Etsy. I loved it so many people at their school told me how cute he was.

Rylan's "Chicks Dig Me" shirt was also a hit.


Kim W. said...

We almost bought Jake that same shirt. Jack's came from OldNavy and I never even put him in it. Where did the time go? Anyhow, your boys are as precious as always! Love ya!

jaime mcnab said...

Dakota wants to know what "Chick" is digging on her man! :)

Love the pictures!!!!