Wednesday, February 10, 2010

My First Love

Everyone who has more than one child understands what I mean when I say that I love both my boys EQUALLY, but I also love them in completely DIFFERENT ways. So, although I love Hudson beyond comprehension, this post is all about my first love...Rylan. I remember when I came home from the hospital with Rylan I couldn't get over the fact that I was now someone's mother! I seriously think it took weeks for that to really sink in. Then, as Rylan began to talk NOTHING prepared me for that moment that I heard him actually call me "Momma" for the first time. I really don't know how my heart didn't just completely explode at that exact moment. To this day the sweetest sound is hearing him say that word. Rylan has a place in my heart that belongs only to him.

My sweet boy loving on his Little Bucket.

When it comes to Hudson, Rylan becomes the most unselfish little boy I have ever seen. He adores his brother and easily hands over his most prized possessions (night-night and Booger Bear) in an attempt to comfort Hudson when he is crying.

SO tired and SO precious!

Sweet dreams Rylan
I also wanted to post some things Rylan has been doing/saying lately. This is more for my records than anything since this blog is basically our family scrapbook.
* Rylan can count to 33...not sure why it stops there, but it does.
* He can say his alphabet and even recognize a few letters.
* He is still a picky eater when it comes to meats, but the kid can eat his body weight in yogurt and fruit.
* I am comfortable saying he is completely potty trained! He has been in big boy underwear for a while now, but he was still having 1-2 accidents a day until a few weeks ago. He has even stayed dry though some naps recently. And, I have to admit that there was no part of potty training that I enjoyed...just being honest!
* We have recently started making Rylan thank God for something new each night when he says his prayer. He chooses on his own what he wants to be thankful for. So far he has been thankful for milk and juice, stars, bananas, socks, Lightening McQueen, toothpaste, Bucket (Hudson), grass and school buses. :-)
* He cannot say the "C" or "K" sound at all. It comes out as a "T" sound. So, we think it is funny to try to get him to say a bunch of words in a row that starts with that "C" sound. So, instead of saying "cute kitty cat" he says "tute titty tat" and we laugh hysterically EVERY time.
* Rylan still DESPISES chocolate (I didn't know that was humanly possible) and prefers "white" things instead. He says chocolate is dirty.
* Rylan says this prayer at mealtime: "God is great, God is good. Let us thank hm for our food. By his hand, we are fed. Thank you for our daily bread. Amen
* Unfortunately, he still picks his nose and eats it...we're working on that one!
* He still has no concept of time. So, when he asks for something that I don't want him to have any time soon I enthusiastically say, "Not right now, but maybe next year!" and he is fine with that answer. I wonder how long this will last.
* On that same note, when it is time to go to bed at night we usually tell him we are setting the timer for 5 minutes and then he has to go to bed. This is when he says, "No, not 5 minutes Momma! I get TWO minutes and then I go to bed!" He drives a hard bargain!
I don't think there is any doubt how much we love this little boy! Thank you God for the opportunity and blessing to be Rylan's parents.


Val said...

so cute - maybe I should send Beclynn to your house for potty training - we are still not getting anywhere - she could careless about being wet - or going. I ask do you need to go potty - she says 'No thanks I fine' - and two minutes later is walking around with wet pants!

jaime mcnab said...

Precious Post! He is such a good big brother! I love that he says thank you in his prayers. Dakota does to, her answer yoyos from Thank you for my new family or Thank you for my applesauce. Love these sweet kiddos! Miss you guys!

Kim W. said...

Such a sweet post, once again. I love how much you love your 2 boys. I can so relate! Aren't they wonderful!?