Sunday, January 25, 2009

A Few Pictures

I know I haven't posted in a week, but I've been exhausted this past week. I am so thankful that I don't get morning sickness with my pregnancies, but I do get SO tired. When I was pregnant with Rylan I would come home from school and go to sleep on the couch until Cody got home. This time around I have a 21 month old to chase after when I get home. So, by the time we get him in bed at night all I want to do is go to bed myself. I can't complain though...I have a wonderful husband who does anything in the world to help me out, and I have a perfect little boy who I LOVE coming home to every afternoon!

He is ALWAYS happy! He very rarely gets grumpy and when he does it's almost always because he doesn't feel good.
No I am not trying to potty train him...YET! However, Rylan is obsessed with frogs. So, I saw this froggy potty at Target this weekend and I had to get it for him. He LOVES it!

1 comment:

Val said...

I remember those days - I was so tired all the time - but it seems to get alot better about half way! Beclynn is crazy about her potty too - she says potty every time I change her so I let her run in there and sit on it - she doesn't quit understand - but it is a step in the right direction at least!! Maelynn was potty trained a couple of months before she turned 3 so I'm guessing Beclynn will be about the same. Thanks for the well wishes on the job - we will keep you posted!!