Monday, June 23, 2008

Bubbles...and Mommy's Random Thoughts

Lately I have been thinking about what I want for Rylan and his life. When I really stop and think about what an awesome responsibility we have been given by being parents, it sometimes terrifies me...I'm just being honest here. No other job in life could ever compare in importance to the jobs of simply being Rylan's mommy and daddy. We've got one chance and one chance only to get this pressure huh?!! Of course we want to raise a little boy who knows Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior first and foremost. The following is a list of things that are also very important to teach my son.

1. There's nothing you could ever do to make mommy and daddy love you any less.
2. Saying "I'm sorry" is absolutely necessary when you hurt someone's feelings.
3. You have to be a good friend in order to have good friends.

I could go on and on, but I guess my point is that I know I make mistakes, but every day I pray for God's guidance in raising our little boy and I have to trust that Cody and I were given our son because God knew we were the perfect parents for him.


Anonymous said...

Rylan, you almost caught that bubble. You are going to make one heck of a ball player, Sure hope your Daddy is ready for you.

I would like to kiss the bottom of those little feet. They are so cute.Grandma T

Kim W. said...

You are the sweetest mommy out there! Your posts are always so genuine and heart-felt, and I love that about you! I sat here nodding my head in agreement with everything that you said. You couldn't have put it better. It's funny, cause I used to write things like that all the time on our blog before we had #2, and now I just don't take the time anymore...but I should. Just wait...those thoughts double when you have another one! It is amazing...just when you think your heart can't get any bigger, it does! Isn't being a mom the best job in the world? We are so blessed, Ashley. And Rylan is such a blessed little boy to have you as his mommy. I think you are great, and I seroiusly wish you lived closer! Love ya! Kim