Monday, September 3, 2007

Mommy's Sick Little Boy

The eyes say it all

He'd love to play if he could just feel better

It's been a rough week at our house. We have all been sick this week, but Rylan has had the worst of it. He started running fever last Saturday (9 days ago) and he's still a sick baby. Monday our pediatrician put him on an antibiotic for an ear infection. We thought he would get better, but the poor little guy just got more congested and more miserable. We ended up at Children's yesterday having a bunch of tests run. They did a chest X-ray which came back normal. They also catheterized him to get a urine sample and then drew blood and left IV access in case he needed fluids or antibiotics. He was a sad sight with his little arm board. All the bloodwork came back okay, but they did change his antibiotic for his ear infection. In the middle of the night he woke up with a 104.2 fever. RoRo (my mom) and Nonni (Cody's mom) got him wrapped in cool towels and his fever came down pretty fast. Unfortunately, his fever started coming up again this morning, but we got Tylenol in him before it got too high. He is so sleepy, but his little nose is so congested he can't get good rest. Nonni is going to stay through Wednesday because he obviously can't go to daycare like this. Hopefully with this new antibiotic he will start feeling better soon.


Natalie said...

I'm so sorry that Rylan is still sick! We're praying for healing for him and for a calmer week for you and Cody this week too!

Anonymous said...

Oh, Rylan, that broker my heart this morning to see your little face. I wish I was there to help you. Get better fast and soon, sweetie.
Grandma T

Anonymous said...

Oh, Rylan, that broker my heart this morning to see your little face. I wish I was there to help you. Get better fast and soon, sweetie.
Grandma T

Kim W. said...

Poor baby Rylan! I just hate it when they are is just miserable to see them that way. I hope he gets better soon. Glad you have help there with you. Keep us posted. Love ya!