Sunday, April 11, 2010

7 Months Old

So, just like his 6th month post, this one is also a little late. With baseball season and Easter going on around the same time, we were lucky to even get a 7 month picture. These past 7 months have gone by way too fast, but they sure have been fun!

What Mr. Hudson's Been Up To:

  1. Hudson got his first tooth (bottom left) on the 1st. His gum line had been bulging for a good week before that, but the tooth finally made an appearance just a day before he turned 7 months.
  2. Hudson is sleeping in his bed!!! For those of you who follow the blog or know us pretty well, then you know that Hudson has slept in a swing since birth due to his reflux. Well, about 2-3 weeks ago we finally got him transitioned into his crib.
  3. To follow up with that, Hudson is no longer taking Prevacid for reflux. He still has some issues, but not nearly as bad as he did.
  4. Hudson can't quite crawl, but he has started trying to get up on his knees. Why would the kid need to crawl...I carry him every where! :-)
  5. He is still such a snuggle bug. He loves to be on my hip and just lay his head against me. I feel like he is permanently attached to me in the evenings, but I don't mind. I'll take it as long as I can since I know one day it won't be "cool" to cuddle with mom.
  6. Hudson has started interacting with Rylan a lot more this past month. Rylan can still make him laugh more than the rest of us.
  7. He has started eating "puffs" this month. I had tried them a few weeks ago, but he gagged on them and then vomited all over me. :-)
  8. Hudson is really staring to like the Jumperoo. Rylan LOVED the Jumperoo, from day 1, but it has taken Hudson a while to warm up to it...mostly because he'd rather just be held by me. :-)
  9. He is finally in all 6 month clothing. His growth has been just slow and steady, which is very different from what his brother's growth pattern was as an infant.
  10. His smile still melts my heart and makes me eternally thankful to be his momma!

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