Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Our Albuquerque Christmas

We spent December 20-27th in Albuquerque with my brother and his family and my parents. We had so much fun getting to see everyone, and I think it's safe to say that Santa was good to the kids this year! I'll let the pictures describe our trip.

This was the first time all 4 cousins have ever been together. From left to right: Madeline (9 months), Aleigha (7 yrs.), Rylan (20 months) and Parker (12 yrs.)

On the 23rd we spent most of the afternoon at the children's museum. Rylan had a great time playing at the water table as you can see.

Rylan love this little room filled with different colored Plexiglas squares.

Cody and I had our picture taken through the kaleidoscope.

Rylan spent a lot of time in the mirror room.

This was Cody riding the bike across the tight wire above the entire children's museum.

Parker encasing Rylan in a giant bubble...the bubble table was a huge hit with the kids!

Rylan and Aleigha (seriously) working at the bubble table.

After all that fun at the museum it was time for a nap...for both of us!! Rylan is at the age where he really doesn't fall asleep on us much anymore. Therefore, when I get these opportunities I take advantage of them and snuggle with my little boy as long as he'll let me.

The boys (Josh, Cody and Parker) went to the UNM men's basketball game on the evening of the 23rd so the rest of us had some fun baking and decorating sugar cookies to get ready for Santa.

Rylan helping RoRo cut out cookie shapes.

Cody taking part in folding bags for his first ever luminaria display...I think he was overwhelmed! We folded and made 100 luminarias in less than 1 hour!

Everyone working to arrange and light the luminarias for Christmas Eve night.

In our family one of our traditions is to eat Mexican food for Christmas Eve. So, we headed to Little Anita's in Old Town for a great chili included!! I think Aleigha had a good time sitting next to Uncle Cody!

Our hard work paid off! When we came home from dinner this is what the house looked like with the luminarias all lit up.

All the kids (and my brother) sitting on the stairs for a Christmas morning picture.

Rylan immediately discovered his bat and tee and inchworm that Santa left for him.

Opening his soccer ball that Poppy (my dad) gave him.

Playing with his new cash register.

Rylan giving Maddie a "mooch"

The day after Christmas we headed up to the mountains for a fun day of sledding. It was so cold and so windy that we actually only got to stay for about 30 minutes, but it was worth it. This was Cody and Rylan's first time to sled.

Rylan and Mama

Our family snow you can see Rylan was ready to go!

His little cheeks were so red and wind burned, but the crackers made it all better once we got back to the car.

*I will try to post the pictures from our Abilene Christmas tomorrow.


Val said...

The pictures are great - I love the rosey cheeks too cute!! Glad you guys had a safe trip!

Keri said...

The children's museum looks like so much fun! I really need to get my girls to one sometime. I'm glad you had such a nice time there. I know Randy wished there was a way to see you when we were in Farmington, but the extra time to Alb. would have been too much.

Anonymous said...

Pictures were great, as usual and tell a fun story. The museum is like nothing I have ever seen. It is simply fabulous! Lucky little rug rats.

I will look at the pics again tomorrow and spend more time. Happy New Years, everyone.

erin said...

I hope you don't mind - I found you through Janae's was great to see you guys, and we are glad you made it back to Texas Safely. You'll have to tell Janae more about that Cookie Dough Gel, that is something I think I will have to invest in ... well, for the future! (erin, scott, and the family...)