Saturday, November 1, 2008

The Little Lion Is Finally Feeling Better

What a week this has been!! Tuesday afternoon Rylan's school called me around 3:00 to tell me that he was running fever and acting pretty sick. I went to pick him up and made plans to stay home with him on Wednesday. His fever continued into Wednesday and when he woke up from his nap at noon his fever was 104+. I called the pediatrician's office and they had me bring him right in. He had been on an antibiotic for 5 days at this point so the fever was concerning. Well, after the pediatrician checked him out she made the decision to send us to Children's Legacy to have some more test run. So, off I went to Children's. When we got there the doctor decided to start IV access on him and get some blood work. The nurses were great, but unfortunately it took 2 sticks to get the IV. He was a pathetic little site in my lap with his arm all taped up to the arm board. After the lab work came back the doctor came in to tell us that he thought Rylan had Epstein Barr virus on top of the Strep he already had. Rylan's fever finally went away yesterday, but today he broke out in a rash all over his body which makes me fairly positive that he actually had Roseola. We were able to dress him up in his costume and go to Cody's game for a little while. He was pretty popular in the stands with his costume. Anyway, we are thankful that this stressful week has come to an end and Rylan is now fever free!


Keri said...

Wow, what a week. Hopefully it really was Roseola & not Epstein Barr. Either way, not fun for any of you...I'm glad that he's now feeling better.

Val said...

He looked so cute - sorry your Halloween wasn't as fun as expected.