Thursday, January 17, 2008

The Cutest Munchkin

I have finally found a spare minute to update our blog. Since our Christmas break ended we have just been getting back into our routine. Rylan is doing great. He has started clapping for himself and he loves to give daddy high 5's. He laughs hysterically at his puppy and kitty and he is truly the light of our life. Even when I am having a rough day I still feel so incredibly blessed because at the end of the day I get to tuck in the most precious baby God has ever created...and he's all mine!!

Rylan's after bath Mohawk

He thinks he's so funny!

Tackling the kitty...doesn't Boston look thrilled?!

Daddy trying to put pj's on the squirmy monster

He loves to clap for himself!

Rylan playing under the bar chair

He's great at posing for pictures!

Our little water baby

1 comment:

joker said...

He is so cutttteeee!!!

Do drop by my blog and have a look.