Tuesday, October 2, 2007

The Greatest Man I Know

I was tagged by Natalie to tell about Cody so here it goes....

1. Who is your man? Cody Heath Salyers

2. How long have you been together? Married over 3, but together for almost 6

3. How long did you date? We dated for 1 year and were engaged for 15 months

4. How old is your man? He is 31 (I give him a hard time about being older than my older brother and the fact that I was in 7th grade when he graduated high school)

5. Who eats more? Cody...he is NEVER full

6. Who said "I love you" first? Not sure...I think I did

7. Who is taller? Cody...he is 5'10" and I am 5'6"

8. Who sings better? I'll give that honor to Cody. He's not bashful about singing and his theme song is "Oh Lord It's Hard To Be Humble"

9. Who is smarter? I am book smart because I actually like to study. Cody is common sense smart (which I cannot claim for myself). He also thinks he is "street smart" because if you ask him he'll tell you about how he grew up in the ghetto of Abilene.

10. Whose temper is worse? Neither of us have a temper.

11. Who does the laundry? Mostly me, but I will give Cody credit and say that he can do laundry and he doesn't even ruin anything

12. Who take out the garbage? Cody

13. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? If you are looking at the bed I sleep on the right side. Cody sleeps by the window because I have a fear of sleeping next to windows.

14. Who pays the bills? Me...I don't even think Cody knows what our bills are

15. Who is better with the computer? Hahaha...DEFINITELY ME!! Cody does good just to get an email composed and sent to the right person.

16. Who mows the lawn? We are paying someone to do it during football season

17. Who cooks dinner? Cook???? We don't use that word at our house. Taco Bell, Wendy's, Chili's, etc. cook our dinners

18. Who drives when you are together? Always Cody

19. Who pays when you go out? Whoever isn't holding the baby carrier

20. Who is most stubborn? I am...but it's because I'm always right!

21. Whose parents do you see the most? We get to see my mom and Cody's parents the most because they live in Abilene. My dad lives in New Mexico so we don't get to see him much, but we make sure to keep him updated on the latest "Rylan News"

22. Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? See question #20...I'm never wrong.

23. Who kissed who first? Cody kissed me first...it only took 10 dates!

24. Who asked who out? We were set up on a blind date by mutual friends

25. Who proposed? Cody proposed at 5:00am at my apartment when we were leaving to go to Farmington for Spring Break.

26. Who is more sensitive? That would be me

27. Who has more friends? Since we are in Texas we see more of Cody's friends from the past, but now we have several couples that we have met since living in the metroplex

28. Who has more siblings? I have one older brother and Cody has one older brother

29. Who wears the pants in the family? Cody


Anonymous said...

What a nice guy!!!!! and what a nice wife to say such nice things. Dr Laura would be proud!!

Enjoyed your profile so much, Cody. But what about your favorite food?? Made with chocalate?? spelled BUNDT

Kim W. said...

I enjoyed reading about this! And I have to say, I knew most of the answers! And I laughed at the comment about Cody never getting full. It's so fun to eat with Cody for that reason! He and I have had some good times together eating just about anywhere in Abilene. Sorry you and Aaron have had to put up with us during those times. :) Hope yall are doing well. Sure wish yall lived out here! Love ya!