Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Rylan Has Strep...And He's Still My Happy Baby!

Rylan started getting this rash on his torso toward the end of the weekend and it began spreading to his arms and legs by yesterday afternoon. He hasn't been fussy at all, he's been eating and drinking like a horse, and he's just been a very happy baby in general. Well, I decided to go ahead and make him an appointment this morning since the rash kept getting worse. I figured he just needed some steroid cream to clear up the rash. When I took him in Dr. Lanman (the best pediatrician in the world) she decided to go ahead and strep him just to be on the safe side. Well, guess what...he was positive for Strep! Dr. Lanman was completely surprised and so was I. I took the rest of the day off since he couldn't go to the babysitter's and we basically played all day. He has been my happy little boy this whole time. Thank goodness for his rash or else I wouldn't have even known my baby was sick.

"Sick? Who said I was sick?"

"Okay, so maybe my rash is a little yucky."

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