Wednesday, March 12, 2008

11 Months Old!!

It was crazy to see the ticker on our blog say only 1 month until Rylan's first birthday. It made me start thinking about this time last year during my last month of pregnancy. I remember Rylan had the hiccups ALL THE TIME. I felt like I had a little jumping bean in my belly. He was constantly stretching...poor baby was 9 pounds...he was needing some more room. Most of all I remember being so anxious about getting to see my precious baby's face.

When I look at my little boy I know I never deserved such a blessing but we serve an awesome God who hears our cries, and he definitely heard mine when I prayed for a child. Cody and I love Rylan more than any words could ever explain.

"I'm just checking out the remote mom."

"Batting practice is hard work...don't tell daddy I'm taking a break."

"Hey mom! Watch me run laps in my crib!"

"Wow, who knew this could be so much fun?!"

"Surprise, surprise...momma has the camera out again."

"Oh okay, take one more."

"Momma, this $5 red bucket of blocks is still my favorite toy."

"You kept me at a baseball game until 10:00...I ran around the field after the game with bottle is empty...did you really expect me to stay awake any longer?"

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