Monday, March 24, 2008

Easter Weekend

We loaded up on Friday morning and headed for Abilene for the Easter weekend. Friday afternoon my mom and I spent the day together running a few errands. We also took Rylan to the mall to see the Easter Bunny. Saturday Cody and I went fishing while Rylan spent the afternoon napping with Nonny. I am happy to report that I caught 4 fish and Cody caught of his was definitely the biggest of the day. Saturday evening we went over to Uncle Randy and Aunt Jen's house for dinner and an Easter egg hunt. Rylan didn't quite get the point of the egg hunt, but I'm sure in a year or two he will have a blast running for the eggs. Sunday we all went to church and then to lunch. After lunch everyone (including Rylan) took about a 2-3 hour nap. We just drove back home this morning so Cody could get to baseball practice by 2:00. We are exhausted and glad to be home, but we had so much fun in Abilene!

"Mom! Look at the car RoRo let me ride!"

"Giddy up horsey!"

"Puppy! Where are you?"

"Hmmm...what's this egg thing all about?"

"I got some mom!"

"Egg hunting is always better with daddy's help."

"So I got a plastic what?"

"I'm so full I think I'm going to explode."

"These adults can talk forever."

"I just love Easter mom!"

"I'll take a picture, but don't expect me to take my finger out of my mouth."

"All these Easter festivities can really wear a little guy like me out!"

"Look everyone! I got another orange bat!"
(Uncle Randy and Aunt Jen gave him this carrot bat)

"I just love my daddy so much!"

"I'm climbing on the furniture and getting away with it!"

1 comment:

Natalie said...

I love Rylan's baseball Easter basket!