Thursday, August 28, 2008

Good Luck Daddy!!

So the high school cheerleader in me came out tonight when I went down the candy aisle at the grocery store. Tomorrow is Cody's first football game as a coach at GHS and I always have some kind of little "good luck" gift for him each year before his first game. Well, when I was a cheerleader in high school we used to make these candy posters for the football players. You use the names of candy bars to write out some kind of good luck note. is what Rylan and I came up with tonight for Cody.

We love you daddy, and no matter if you win or lose you'll always be the best coach ever in our eyes! We'll be there tomorrow night to cheer on the Lions!!


Kim W. said... are too much!! Pretty cute, I must say!

Hey Cody, since we all know that I am your buddy when it comes to eating, can I come and help you eat all that candy? :) HAHA!

Anonymous said...

Ashley, clever is the word for you.

Grandma T

Val said...

That is awesome!! I'm going to have to steal that idea! Hope you don't mind! They already had their first game last night - but maybe I can do it for their first home game next week!!