Thursday, July 10, 2008

Cute Pictures

These are completely random pictures from the day. I find myself laughing so much during the day because he does the funniest things.

This is Rylan's infant swing that we stopped using when he was about 4-5 months old. It has just been sitting in the corner of his playroom and he has always just walked right by it. Well, today I saw him walk into his room and pull his froggy through his crib slats, walk back into the playroom, and crawl up in the swing. He probably stayed there "resting" for about 10-15 minutes. I love the look on his face in the picture.

Let me first say that he is not wearing a "leash" in this picture. I prefer to call it his "safety walking harness" instead. Okay, it's a glorified leash, but he loves it and we needed it. He is at that stage where he likes to be out of the stroller and walking, but he doesn't understand that he has to stay close to us. Plus, I'm one of those mothers that freaks out about him walking in crowds. I just got it a few days ago and we have yet to use it in public, but he always wants me to put in on him in the house. He usually holds onto the monkey's tail as if he's walking himself.

He had put daddy's hat on and was telling the cat bye-bye. Every time Cody puts his hat on it means we are about to leave so I guess he has picked up on this.

Eating some yummy raisins after his 3.5 hour nap.


Conaway Family said...

I love the new background!! Aren't they fun. I am still play with our's. I love all of the pictures of Rylan.

Anonymous said...

I don't care if he does have a leach, better than him getting lost or someone taking him. He's worth at least a million bucks!