Sunday, November 4, 2007

My Funny Little Boy

Rylan's personality is starting to show up more and more each day. He is so funny with some of the things he does. Yesterday we were constantly laughing at some of the things he was doing. For example, yesterday I put him down on his blanket with some of his toys. He loves his bucket of shapes and his ring stacker right now. Well, when I came back from the bathroom I found him in the middle of his blanket with a ring around each arm. I have no idea how he got them all the way up to his shoulders but somehow he did. Also, when we put him to bed last night we heard him on the monitor talking to himself for a while before he finally went to sleep. Cody went to check on him before getting into bed and found that Rylan had somehow played Houdini and escaped from his PJ's. Apparently he was doing more than just talking to himself before he fell asleep. Enjoy the pictures...

Apparently Rylan like the "tube top" version of PJ's

All that hard work wore him out

Look mom!!! I'm stacking my rings...on my arms!!

1 comment:

Natalie said...

Addie and I are really impressed at Rylan's new tricks!